Thursday, June 20, 2013

Amazon Cloud

      Amazon has recently secured a contract with the CIA for cloud computing.  They beat IBM, who had previously dominated the federal contract sector.  What is interesting is what Amazon offered to do for the CIA.  In house cloud computing.  This may be a frontier for what large corporations will want.  Typically companies that wanted cloud services were only able to receive a copy of the existing public cloud.  Then it was to be modified to meet the company's needs.

     What does in house cloud computing provide that traditional cloud does not?  Greater security because it will not go over public internet like the majority of cloud services do.  This is very important to companies that are taking every precaution that their information is not stolen.  Up until recently Amazon was against this new type of in house cloud services, but I suppose a $600 million contract and the chance to pave the way for new in house cloud service was enough to convince the company.  This will most likely change the way large companies want and need their information stored, especially in regulated industries such as healthcare organizations who are required to provide more secure storage of their data.

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